Work with our Wisconsin
Mushroom Farm

Mushroom Farm Internships
Thanks for looking into our farm internship program at Northwood Mushrooms! Each year we host several interns who work with us for at least two weeks. You get a chance to learn more about mushroom cultivation, farming in general, and tips on how to run a farm business. We make an effort to make this experience really diverse and rich, and catered to the interests of each intern.
We work with students looking for internship opportunities, but also independent apprentice farmers and WOOFers.

Internship Duration: at least two weeks
Hours: at least 20 hours per week, on a flexible schedule agreed on before-hand.
Internship Description:
This is a great way to learn about the running of a small mushroom farm.
What you will learn depends on what time of year you're at the farm. We have indoor mushroom harvesting, packaging mushrooms, and farmers market year-round. In the winter and spring we have logging and inoculations. In the summer and early fall we have moving logs for force-fruiting and harvesting log-grown mushrooms. At any time there may be repairs and other farm maintenance; value-added production; and whatever other surprises the farm throws at us!
Internships are unpaid since this is intended as an educational internship, but we’ll make sure you get mushrooms, breakfast and coffee or tea. And of course we also have housing available.

We have private rooms available for interns, which are close to the main farmhouse. They are furnished - down to sheets and blankets, and there is now wi-fi there too!
Everyone on the farm - whether interns or employees - share kitchen, dining room, and bathroom in the farmhouse nearby.
What you'll eat when you're on the farm

You don’t need to have had previous experience doing farm work, but we do expect applicants to have skill working carefully and quickly. Just as important is compatibility with other farm members, a good attitude, and a pleasant demeanor. You should also be able to lift 50 lbs.
How to Apply: Please email Jeremy at cherrytreehousemushrooms@gmail.com with a description of why you’d be interested in the internship and how it would advance your educational and career goals. He’d also like to see a resume and at least one professional and personal reference. Preference will be shown for intern candidates who are applying for this internship as part of their university studies.
Thanks for your interest in the Northwood Mushrooms farm internship program!
Contact Farmer Jeremy McAdams at 612-205-8599.