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They're baa-aaack!

Jeremy takes a swing through the laying yard now and then, as the weather warms, and last Monday he was rewarded with the site of our first shiitake of the year!

We've picked two or three times this week and today I found some big, beautiful monster shiitake! April 12th beats our previous earliest pick date by a few days! I'm always hopeful this means we'll have a longer season and the mushrooms will keep going... but it's been more usual for a cool down and then no mushrooms for a month! It is supposed to drop below 30 for the next several nights, so we'll see what that does to the shiitake. Summer is coming soon, right??

We were at 550 logs inoculated at the last newsletter, and now we're at 1,100! It's great to be about a quarter of the way done, but we have LONG way to go still. We also have an employee transition coming up as our current employee will be leaving in a week or two and we're looking to hire a new person or two. We always seem to be transitioning around here!

Speaking of shiitake - we decided to get rid of our fourth year shiitake logs - which we'll be doing each year. They still grow shiitake (and they are right now!) but not enough for us. If we had the space to lay them out and pick mushrooms as they came, we would, but we don't have the space! So we're selling them, $5 a log, to anyone who wants to drive out to the farm and collect some. We have a lot, so don't worry about missing out. Drop us a line if you'd like to come get some!

Spring workshops

We decided to cancel our workshop at EggPlant so apologies to anyone who was hoping to take that one. We just have too much going on right now to take that on. We couldn't cancel the WEI one (advertisements went out in print!) so this will be our only workshop this year!

Our other workshop is through Women's Environmental Institute

Sunday, April 25 - 1pm - 4pm

This one is in-person at WEI’s Amador Hill Farm and Orchard, 15715 River Road, North Branch MN


Look at all that fur! Have you ever seen so much fur! This cat has been shedding like crazy for the last few weeks - a sure sign of warm weather to come!


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Mushroom Farm Share
Farmers Market

Northwood Mushrooms
827 15th Street
Clayton WI 54004


Saturdays: 10am - 1pm

at Mill City Farmers Market
704 S 2nd Street, Minneapolis

Join our farm share to get fresh mushrooms to use in recipes regularly. Learn more about our CSA to pickup mushrooms


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