Serves 4 1/2 cup white vinegar 2-1/2 tsp sugar 1 tsp mustard seed 1 tsp salt, plus more to taste 1 cracked garlic clove up to 4 cups of seasonal vegetables like scallions or red onion, and green beans or cucumbers 1 bay leaf 6 to 8 Tbsp olive oil, plus 1 or 2 tsp more as needed 1 tsp vinegar 1 garlic clove 1 tightly-packed cup cleaned nasturtium leaves or other spicy greens 8 oz. fresh king oyster mushrooms 2 slices of thin-cut bacon, cut in half 2 cups cleaned arugula
The pickles Heat vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, salt, and garlic in sauce pan on medium heat until it begins to simmer and the sugar dissolves. Put vegetables and bay leaf in heat-tolerant bowl and cover with vinegar mixture. Stir to evenly coat vegetables and allow to cool to room temperature or chill.
The dressing Add together 6 to 8 Tbsp olive oil, vinegar, a clove of garlic, pinch of salt, and a cup of nasturtium leaves or other greens. Blend until smooth in a blender or food processor.
The warm and savory part Slice or shred mushrooms. Cook bacon on medium heat until browned on each side. Remove bacon to paper towel. Add mushrooms to pan with a pinch of salt, cooking until soft and aromatic, or 5 to 10 minutes. Add a teaspoon or two of olive oil to the pan if the mushrooms look dry.
Make a small bed of arugula on each plate and top with a bacon strip, then add some drained pickles and hot mushrooms on the side. Drizzle the dressing over all and enjoy!
