In-ground Mushrooms
Grown at our Wisconsin Mushroom Farm

We grow both wine cap (King Stropharia) and Almond (Agaricus subrufescens) mushrooms in raised beds. Each spring we add mushroom mycelium to either wood chips (for wine caps) or compost (for Almonds).

We water them weekly to encourage the mycelium to spread throughout the beds. Mushrooms start to grow after a few months and are either biannual (growing again the next summer) or annual (growing for only a few months).
These days these beds are in a high tunnel to protect mushrooms from over-drying or getting overly wet, just as we protect many of our log-grown mushrooms!

Due to the small scale of our in-ground mushroom beds, most of these mushrooms are sold at Farmers Market or are offered through our mushroom farm shares. We don’t currently sell them through grocery stores.